
Archive for Tech Tips for Business Owners

Windows Server 2003 End of Support

Windows Server 2003

Windows Server 2003 end of support  begins on July 2015.

There are still thousands if not millions of servers out there still using Windows Server 2003 with out a problem.  Business don’t like the idea of migrating to a new system as they are already familiar with the old system or concerned of cost and possible down time with the migration process.

Don’t panic your server is not going to stop working once the support stops. It just means there will be no more patch updates for that operating system. Microsoft warns us to “Watch out for performance bottlenecks and intends to Stop sending updates to anti-malware definitions and the engine for Windows Server 2003.

Got Deep Pockets?

Just so you know if you decided to keep going with Windows Server 2003 and support is needed ! Check out the costs. Microsoft is officially charging customers at least $600 per server to safely run Windows Server 2003 after it’s July 14 cut-off date. so there is another reason to migrate!

Failure to upgrade your systems can have a variety of consequences:

Hardware ills: Older hardware would be now be add least a decade old. Vendor warranties would no longer apply and getting new parts would be a thing of the past.

Operational costs: Some may have 64bit OS but anything 8 years old or more would most likely be running 32bit.  Those old servers are inefficient may have no virtualization technology or possible no proper power management.

Software compatibility issues: If you are still running a 32bit OS almost all software is now 64bit. Your Apps in 32bit may not be able to be updated as software companies are slowly phasing out 32bit updates. 

Data breaches: There is one thing to be concerned with and that is security. Once the end of support stops there will be no more security patch updates and this leaves you open to possible security breaches. You could go spending more and more on security Apps to hide your machine from the outside world but in the long run the costs would of been better spent on migration.

Windows Server Endings

  • Windows Server 2003 meets it’s end on July 14, 2015
  • Windows Server 2008 support ends January 14, 2020
  • Windows Server 2012 ends January 10, 2023.

More information on Microsoft Official Life Cycle can be found here:

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Microsoft Windows 7 Tips and Tweaks






Microsoft Windows 7 – Tips and Tweaks

The release of Windows 7 is a relief for any Windows XP user needing to upgrade as they can avoid Windows Vista.  Microsoft have learnt from some mistakes with the troubled Windows Vista Operating System.  But an all new operating systems can still create a little confusion on user friendliness. While most things are pretty much the same across the board there can be quicker and easier ways to do things.  That’s why we have added some tips to help you understand using the new Windows 7 OS.  

There are some efficiency improvements you’ll want to include in your Standard Operating Environment so all users will benefit from the.


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