Malware called DressCode infects apps in app stores
Apps infected with Malware called DressCode
Apps infected with Malware called DressCode are reportedly on the rise from application stores.
Dresscode Malware enables attackers to use your Android device to launch attacks against another
person or organisation’s online services or gain access to corporate servers and information.
Reports from TrendLabs Security Intelligence state that even games and themes maybe infected with DressCode.
Other reports state that 400 compromised apps have been detected on Google Play and more than 3,000 have been detected overall.
Keeping your device safe from Malware DressCode
One of our security partners Sophos recommends to keep your device safe by installing
Sophos Security for Mobile which is specifically designed for Android which can help identify
malicious or potentially unwanted applications.
We can can also show you how cost-effectively protect and maintain the security of your network,
assets and data against external attack, providing you peace of mind with our Network Security Solutions.
Google Play also have some tips on protecting against harmful apps and recommends you check the star
ratings and reviews of an app and the number of times the app has been downloaded before deciding whether or not to proceed.
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